Wednesday, January 26, 2011

commence word vomit


this is me...

(me is carlie. cade is the other one.)

And now that that's out of the way, I won't spend any more time talking about myself, or more specifically, what I love, or what I do for fun, or what my hobbies are. If you REALLY want to know all of that wonderful stuff, click on this link. (I'm just ALL OVER the internet.) I'll just spit out some random things for you. SO. BUCKLE UP.

Sarcasm might be a secret talent of mine. Lot's of things I say should probably be taken with at least a few grains of salt. (that being said, I am capable of being serious...I AM serious. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I enjoy writing sarcastically, and I enjoy being cynical sometimes, and usually I don't get to do that. so. here I am. being sort of sarcastic. maybe. you decide.)

I love pizza. So much. I would eat pizza for lunch and dinner everyday if it didn't involve gaining enormous amounts of weight. (thank you, unwritten-rule-against-girls-always-eating-pizza. Cade could probably eat pizza for every meal and still be somewhat healthy. show me the justice. [I love being female. for the record.] )

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